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Published: 13-Oct-12
Click Per Action CPA Affiliate Marketing
If you've heard a lot lately about CPA marketing online, you've probably already realized that this isn't referring to Certified Public Accountants. Instead, CPA stands for Click Per Action or Cost per Action. And CPA marketing is definitely a hot topic right now within the internet marketing world of business.

CPA marketing is very similar to affiliate marketing. The process is exactly the same, really. You get an affiliate link and you drive as much traffic to it as possible. The difference lies in the price point of the product you are promoting. CPA products are offered as free trials or very low cost (for shipping and handling) while non-CPA offers can cost quite a bit.

While you make a greater commission per sale with the latter, you need to generate a lot of traffic to be able to make just one sale. With CPA offers, you make fewer commissions per "action" but people will be much more willing to put in the information that you are asking, especially if the product they receive is completely free.

The other difference between affiliate marketing and CPA marketing is that you need to apply to one or more CPA networks in order to be able to make their offers. This doesn't cost anything but the process can take one or two days.

Most CPA networks have a similar application process where you'll have to fill in all your personal information and answer questions about the type of marketing you will be doing to promote your offers. (Email, PPC, Web, etc.). Once you've applied, you'll have to do a phone interview as well where you'll be asked what types of offers you'll be promoting and how much you plan to spend, as well as about your history in affiliate marketing.

Here are some of the most popular Click Per Action networks that you'll find.

NeverBlue (previously NeverBlue Ads) is very highly regarded in the industry, especially for its user-friendly interface and excellent reporting.

Copeac hosts a large number of exclusive offers and lots of email submits (meaning, you get paid when the customer enters their email). It also has a DirectTrack network and supports postback tracking.

MotiveInteractive uses the unique Advent 2.0 system which features one of the better looking interfaces. Reporting is very good and they also have lots of nice offers.

HydraNetwork has an impressive selection of offers that aren't seen on any other network. They offer lots of Email Submits and have a pretty good selection of incentivizable offers and their own proprietary tracking system.

MarketLeverage is well known for running contests on internet marketing blogs where you can win lots of prizes.

FluxAds: If you're looking for email submits, this is one of the best ones to go with.

ExpressRevenue - Another affiliate network with great selection of email submits and free trial offers.

It's generally recommended that you join many Click Per Action networks in order to mazimize your earning potential but you can always start with one and just join more as you become more knowledgeable and skilled.

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