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Published: 13-Oct-12
Contact Email Marketing Is Effective
When you own a business, whether online or off, you know the importance of not only staying in touch with your existing customers but constantly trying find new ones. There is so much automation available online today that it can make this process much easier. One of the best tools you can use is a service that will enable you to use contact email marketing.

Having a website can be an extremely beneficial to an offline business ( and mandatory for an online business!) but the sad truth is that for the most part, people won't visit your website more than once (of course if your website offers a lot of products or services you will likely get repeat visitors) but if your website is more of an informative format it can be tough to get people to come back.

If you have a method for capturing their contact information, such as an opt in form, you can build a very large email list. When they opt in to your list they are telling you that it's ok for you to send them emails. This is the very best way for you to establish yourself as an expert in your field and build trust with your customers, or would be customers.

Of course, as with most things, the implementation of this method might take a little trial and error. One of the biggest mistakes many people make with their opt in list is that they don't spend enough time contacting their customers and offering them special deal. This can be as simple as telling your customers of an upcoming sale, and make sure they know that they are getting early notice only because they are on your email list. You can also offer coupons or other incentives.

If your business is more serviced based you may want to use this method to inform your customers of any new services you are providing. The point is that this allows you a great opportunity to keep in contact with your visitors and provide them with some valuable perks and that will make them eager to open and read every email that they receive from you.

Another helpful tactic is to use your existing customer email list to find more customers and a great way to do that is to offer your existing customers an incentive to get their friends and family to become a customer too. For example, if you have an offline store you could offer everyone on your list a coupon off of the price of a purchase if they refer someone else to your store and that person signs up for your email list. There are a lot of ways you can do this but you get the point, an email list can be a wonderful way to leverage your existing customer base.

If you are willing to spend some time to build a list of customers, or potential customers, and then spend some time to keep in contact with them and build a relationship with them by offering them information and special deals just for being on your list, you will have an extremely powerful tool in building your business. Contact email marketing, when done correctly, can be like money in the bank.

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