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Published: 13-Oct-12
Forum Link Building Strategy
Forum link building is a very effective strategy for building incoming links to your website. You can do this manually, or you can do it through certain tools or services.

There are some tips to keep in mind when posting on a forum in order to build links back to your website.

1. Make sure that the forum you are posting on is highly ranked and gets a lot of traffic. You can post on certain forums that are not relative to your niche, but that are ranked high in Google and receive a lot of traffic. That is one place to get some high quality links, but you should of course also focus on high-quality forums that are in your niche. Do a search online for forums that are relevant to your website, check their rankings, and post on those that are high-quality.

2. Do not spam. This is the number one rule in all forums but many people continue to do it anyway. Spamming will either get you kicked out of the forum, or it will certainly not compel anyone to click on your link to visit your site, which is the whole purpose of posting on a forum in the first place. Make your comments relevant to the topic and informational if you have an answer to a question. Otherwise, you can ask a question too.

3. Fill out your profile. All forums allow you to complete a profile which gives more information about you, your website, your business, and why you are participating. Fill out the profile as completely as you can, and make sure to include a photograph.

As mentioned earlier, you can automate your forum link building with certain tools if you choose to do so. There are link building services that can create a profile for you, post comments that you have pre-programmed or that the service has helped you develop, create a signature with your link, and more.

Like all tools that automate marketing, link building services only run well if their customers are satisfied, so if you can find a service or tool that's been around for a while, it's a pretty safe bet that it works well. If it didn't, it wouldn't last long. Services that do this type of posting for you will have trained or experienced staff that understand the ins and outs of link building and what types of posts will get you traffic. You should be posting information that is useful, that will bring in targeted hits, and you should be posting in the best places. You can do this yourself or hire someone to do it for you. The nice thing about having a service is that they will even follow up with your posts and reply on your behalf. And they can even create threads that are relevant, instead of just posting in already existing threads, and this is forum link building made easy.

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