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Published: 13-Oct-12
Free Web Site Traffic Sources
One of the definite advantages to internet marketing is the availability of so many free web site traffic sources. There are literally hundreds you can choose from to suit your business and website, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, EzineArticles, Squidoo, USFreeAds, Craigslist, traffic exchanges, safelists, and more. This article will speak about a lesser known way to generate free web site traffic: writing newsletter articles.

While all the free methods of getting traffic to your website work very well, they can take quite a bit of time and consistency in your efforts before you start seeing the rewards. However you can get a so-called jump start on your efforts by writing newsletter articles. If you've done article marketing, you already have the know-how to do newsletter articles. The only difference is where you submit them. The hardest part of the whole process is finding someone who will publish your articles. And it's really not hard, just a little time consuming. However, the results are immediate.

Here's how it works. Editors of newsletters always need good content, especially if their newsletter is published frequently. So, some of them will allow you to publish your article for free, in exchange for offering them the work. The key is to make sure that your article is well-written and offers valuable information. And then, the key to getting traffic to your website is to offer compelling information in the resource box at the end of the article, with a brief description of you and/or what you offer, and the link to your site.

After you've decided the topic of your article, as it relates to your website of course, then you need to look for newsletters in your niche. In order to get the greatest burst of visitors, find at least 10 newsletters (better 20), that will accept free newsletters. Find out how many subscribers each newsletter has--in general, the most successful and important ones will publish this information. Send your article to the one with the highest number of subscribers first and continue down the list. BUT make sure that you wait a couple of days in between each submission so that you avoid having the same article published by different newsletters on the same day, causing embarrassment to them and possible denial of any future articles from you.

When you've finished sending the article to all the newsletters on your list, then send it to lists (such as, for example) that hold articles that other newsletters can send to their subscribers. Remember that the key to getting the best results with this in terms of free web site traffic is to write good content. You don't have to be a professional writer but your article should be free of grammatical and spelling errors, and perhaps more importantly, offer valuable information that answers the questions or solves the problems of your target readers.

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