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Published: 13-Oct-12
Google Keyword List
Assembling a Google keyword list is easy. All you have to do is use the Google AdWords Keyword Tool to find specific, relevant keywords related to the product or service you are offering for purchase.

A well defined keyword list will be the difference between you being a successful business person and an unsuccessful business person.

When you are doing your keyword research, think like your customers would. Ask yourself what words would the people looking for my business use when they type into the search bar and use those words to generate a related alternative Google keyword list.

If you have a hard time with this, at the next family gathering ask everyone to write some words that relate to your business down on some slips of paper and use those suggestions to plug into the keyword tool.

If you dig deep enough you may just hit on a little gold nugget that will turn your business into a huge gold mine.

Also, reread all the content on your website and try to pinpoint one or two keyword phrases or long-tailed keywords to use as well. Keyword phrases can help you get that much more specific in the marketing of your niche so that you may find you have very little competition.

Everyone needs some competition so you basically have a bidding war going on between you and drive the CPC up just a little bit. Not too much though, you do not want to go bankrupt on your very first PPC campaign.

You do, however, want enough keyword usage in your ad and in the content on your website to be able to rank high in the search engine results pages. The higher you rank, the more click-throughs you will get and that means more sales. Not everyone will buy something when they go to your website, they may visit for a while and then when they are ready they may come back to you to get what they need. Who knows maybe they bookmarked your site and will tell someone else about it and they will come and buy something from you.

Depending on the time of year or the product or service you are selling, you may want to target a certain area or region and use the name of that area or region in your keyword phrase or long-tailed keyword. The search engines would love you even more.

Do be careful that you are up-to-date on the most recent changes that Google has made about the originality of the content you must have on your website. If the content you place on your website is not uniquely yours and does not cite some study or other expert or professional resource, Google's human reviewers will not rate you "vital" or "relevant" and you run the risk of being rejected.

Start with a well researched Google keyword list and go from there. Just be sure you are adhering to all the new rules so you can get and stay profitable.

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