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Published: 13-Oct-12
Handwriting-Can Tell You About The Person You Are Dating
Analyzing the way someone writes is called graphology. You can learn a lot about a person from their handwriting. It can tell different things about their personality and character. Handwriting can tell you something about the person you are dating or in a relationship that you dont know.

Handwriting analysis is the study of the forms of the letters and symbols you make when you are writing in cursive. We are all taught how to make the letters and write in cursive in school but penmanship is rarely ever taught anymore and this has led to very relaxed styles of writing and everyone having their own way of doing things.

It used to be that everyone was taught the same style of penmanship and then came out of school all writing the same way in the same style. Did you know that in some circles Abraham Lincoln's penmanship would have been thought of as uneducated? Because he used a more relaxed style it was not considered proper penmanship.

Through the years secretaries had to know a style called "fair hand" before they were hired so they could write letters that were legible. In the 1700-1800"s this was the way companies did business and the correspondence had to be as legible as possible so "fair hand" was what someone who wanted to be a secretary had to know.

Now, there are three different types of graphology used to study samples of penmanship:

1. Integrative graphology involves discovering certain personality traits by how they write. For instance, say you enrolled in a college to further your education. They may look at your writing samples to see what kind of student you will be.

2. Symbolic graphology involves looking at writing samples of someone after they die and looking for certain aspects of their writing that may give some insight to their life. This is usually used in forensics and may be used as evidence in court.

3. Holistic graphology is the rarely used study of spacing and legibility. Apparently you can tell a lot about someone just by how closely they space the letters and how well you can read what they write.

Common identifiers in writing are the slant used by the writer, angling the line when you write, and the words you use in a sentence. These are all "tells" to someone who knows what to look for.

If you write with a backward slant you could be suffering from emotional distress, but if you write with a forward slant you are happy and want people to know it.

If you angle the sentence you are writing up off the line on the paper you are probably in a good mood. If you stay exactly on the line you are probably a perfectionist and have to have things exact and if you angle downward under the line you are most like in need of some sleep because you are tired.

How you cross your t's and dot your i's can say a lot about how you feel about yourself as well. A low cross of the t and dot of the i means you have some self-esteem issues that should probably be addressed and a high cross or dot means you feel good about yourself.

Handwriting analysis can be very useful when used correctly like in forensics. Using it to catch a criminal is just another weapon in the arsenal for investigators. Using this type of analysis to determine if someone would be good for your company may or may not be acceptable. In a relationship it could never hurt to have the insight.

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