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Published: 13-Oct-12
IT Marketing: Successful Seminars
An important part of your IT marketing is seminars. In this article you?ll learn how to get the most of the seminars you hold.

IT Marketing: Registration is Very Important

Most seminars that you offer should be free, but to make these IT marketing events successful, always require registration because you have limited seating. The reality is, that because it?s a free event, not everyone is going to show.

Have a check-in at the door, do some kind of survey in exchange for a door prize so you can ask them some questions and tailor the seminar to their interests. Make sure that you actually educate them on the things to look for and watch out for. You will have an easier time generating interest in an educated prospect than an uneducated one.

The registration at the door gets you the all important contact information for potential clients. So, what you should you do after the seminar?

IT Marketing: What to do after the Seminar

Provide a handout that has your contact info and put some kind of limited-time special offer on there. Put the highlights into a short article that you can either hand out or mail to your customers and prospects. See if you can get it published in different places in your local area like your local business journal, chamber newsletters, or organization newsletters. Let anyone publish it who has an interest in educating their members or their readers on how and why they should protect their computers from viruses and security breaches and blackouts.

After the seminar, you can take that article and turn it into a free report that you offer with advertisements.

If you?re running an ad in the newspaper you can say, ?Call us to get your copy of our free report on how to protect your blah, blah, blah.? The key thing is you?re capturing the contact information for you to follow up with for your IT marketing.

For all the above, the seminar and the highlights article and the free report offering that highlights your expertise in this area, you could still offer that same fixed price audit package with some kind of special offer discount, and again, the more of a deadline you put on there, the higher the response you?re going to get.

Consider a Travelling Seminar for IT Marketing

You could also take your seminar on the road. You could go out and offer this for chamber of commerce meetings and Rotary and Kiwanis. They?re always looking for speakers to fill in for 15, 20 minutes at a breakfast or a luncheon. You have a captive audience. You don?t have to worry about generating the demand- they will fill the seats and it?s a great way to showcase your expertise.

You may want to approach some business partners, like setting up a good partnering relationship with an accounting firm. Get their clients together for a data security awareness seminar that could be tied in to something else that they were doing.

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