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Published: 13-Oct-12
Number One Gift For The Holidays Of This Year
I'm not sure that there really is a number one gift for the Holidays of 2011. I think it would be more accurate to say that there is a number one gift in many categories.

The number one gift for the Holidays of 2011, as far as I'm concerned will meet several criteria.

For example, the number one gift you will receive will very likely be quite different from what I would consider to be the number one gift.

I think it is most important to do your best (without going crazy or going into debt) to get the special people on your list what they really want.

I know every year I go through the same thing; my grown kids mostly just want money.

The only problem I have with that is that it isn't fun to shop for and it isn't all that fun (for me, at least) to watch them unwrap.

But, hey, it's their gift and ultimately I want them to be happy so if they consider cash to be their number one gift, that is what I will give them.

If you've taken the people on your list into consideration and you are still drawing a blank, this list may help.

This is a list of some of the most sought after gifts this year. It's very likely that at least a few of the people on your list will want one or more of these gifts.

Top gift ideas for this year:

1. Electronics. This category will appeal to pretty much anyone over the age of 10. There are all types of electronic games, digital cameras, MP3 players and accessories and of course, cell phones.

Many of these gifts won't send you to the poor house either. You can get a nice MP3 player for as little as $30 in many cases.

Cameras can be bought for around $40 at the bottom end, and you can get a pay as you go cell phone for around $40 and a monthly unlimited minutes plan for around $45 depending on where you live.

If you are going to be buying for someone who likes video games, a brand new game can be a great way to go.

There are many new releases this time of year that will appeal to a broad range of ages and tastes.

2. For the younger set, you have more toys to choose from than ever. Pretty much anything that is based on a Disney movie will be a hot property this year.

And of course, don't shortchange the old stand bys like HotWheels, Nerf and Barbie.

So, no matter who, or how many, you have to shop for this holiday season, you will have a lot of options. There is no shortage of great gifts for people of all ages and in all price ranges.

If you don't know what they want, just use this list of the number one gift for the Holidays of 2011 as a starting point. You should make a lot of people happy if you do.

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