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Published: 13-Oct-12
Search Engine Ranking Tool

If you are going to succeed in your online marketing, you'll need a search engine ranking tool, or more than one. While a simple and appealing website is a good place to start, it won't bring in any traffic for you unless you are optimizing it well in terms of content, keywords, and backlinks pointing from another website to yours. Any tool that can help you figure out your keywords, where and how often to place them in your site, or where and how to get backlinks, would be useful. Luckily there are many of them out there. The features and goals of each vary greatly as do the prices. Some of these tools are completely free or offer a free trial. Some charge a monthly membership. And others require a one-time payment.

The first search engine ranking tool that you need is one that deals with keyword research. If you've been involved in marketing your website for any time at all, you know that you need to write your content to revolve around certain keywords. Keywords are the terms that people are typing in on the Internet to find what you are selling. If you can use these exact same keywords in your website, you are starting off on the right foot. It is extremely easy to find the keywords that people are typing in -- and it's absolutely free. Just go to the Google Adwords Keyword Research Tool and type in a general term for your business to see what comes up. Other keyword research tools include Wordze, Keyword Discovery, and Wordtracker.

You'll also want a tool that deals with web analytics. Basically, these types of tools give you data so that you can decide which keywords are working for you and which ones aren't. Just some of these types of tools are Google Analytics, Google Website Optimizer, Microsoft Adcenter Analytics, Piwik, and Site Meter.

Next we get into the SEO software packages that you can put to use on your website. There are too many of these currently available to mention all of them. But some of the most popular include SEOElite, IBP Promoter, Web CEO, Total optimizer Pro, Weblink SEO, Solo SEO, SEO Studio, SEO Toolkit, and SEO Administrator. These software packages can help you put all of the SEO details together so that they flow and interact in a way that moves your sight up in ranking. Many of these tools also provide training about link-building strategies and other SEO aspects.

The last sort of search engine ranking tool falls under the miscellaneous category and includes things such as toolbars and browser extensions. Bookmarking tools might also fall under this category. SEO toolbars make finding information and analyzing it very easy. Just click the button and you are provided with the type of SEO information that you are looking for.

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