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Published: 13-Oct-12
Should You Purchase Backlinks
Many webmasters know the importance of having backlinks to their sites. Many go about the tedious job of obtaining backlinks by themselves which takes time and patience. In the past, it seemed that only big corporations could shell out the cash necessary to actually purchase backlinks. So they were the ones who ended up first in the search engine rankings. But things have changed and there are many services now available to the small business owner.

While these types of service aren't cheap (especially if they are reputable), they can be very worthwhile. In deciding whether you want to buy your backlinks or continue to do the backlink building yourself, you need to evaluate how important your time is to you and how much you are able to spend in order to free up some of that time. If you do decide to purchase backlinks, make sure that you follow some simple guidelines.

Remember, not all backlinks are the quality that you need. A general mistaken conception in the internet marketing industry is that the more links you can get, the better off you will be, no matter what. More backlinks will raise your search engine ranking only if the links are quality (relevant) links. If the links come from link farms or just poorly ranked, non-reputable sites, then it can actually hurt you in terms of your search engine ranking. So keep that in mind when you are checking out services that sell backlinks. Do your research on where the links are coming from and make sure that you have something that can allow you to track the results yourself.

The decision to purchase backlinks can bring you a sigh of relief. It's definitely the easiest way to shoot your site up in search engine ranking. But remember, quality links are not cheap. You don't need to go for the most expensive ones necessarily but try to avoid just getting the most links you can get for the cheapest price. Again, research exactly what you will be getting for your investment. Make sure that your links will not all originate from the same place. This is a big no-no according to the search engines. Also avoid publicly traded link sites. These are more likely to be tracked and flagged by the search engines. Also, do not pay a monthly membership to maintain your links.

You are better off paying a one-time (possibly higher) fee for one link than to continuously pay month after month and risk losing your position when you don't pay one month for some reason or another. You're much better off buying permanent links. That's fine if you can only afford one at a time. Just add a link every so often and your site will gradually increase in ranking until you can afford to pay for more.

The decision to purchase backlinks is a sound one if you do it the right way, according to the rules established by the search engines themselves. Just make sure you do your research on who is selling them to you.

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