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Published: 13-Oct-12
Social Networking Scripts
If there is one thing that people have discovered in the wake of the social networking boom, it is that the market is able to support even more such sites. The good news is that virtually anybody can build a networking site if they have the resources and use social networking scripts to make it all run smoothly.

It seems as though everybody is using social websites, and the numbers are still growing. People of all ages, beliefs and backgrounds are connecting with friends and family around the world, and are also discovering new friends as their networks expand. The ability to tap into this phenomenon can be a virtual goldmine if you make the jump while the getting is good.

Before you can launch your own networking site, you will need the framework in place to allow people to make connections and share the things they want to share. This is accomplished through the use of social networking scripts. A script can be thought of as the coding that runs a site, and is the backbone of that site. Without a script things will be a total mess and it will be virtually impossible for people to do what they want to do.

When it comes to social networking scripts you have three basic choices, each with its own pros and cons.

1. Free social networking scripts. At first glance these seem like a great option because they give you a chance to try your hand at making a networking site without having to invest a lot of money in it. The reality is that free scripts often contain bad code, and some contain viruses or security holes that can be easily compromised. Free scripts tend to lack the features that most people are looking for. For the most part, free scripts are not a good choice if you are serious about running a successful website.

2. Paid social networking scripts. There are a few networking scripts that are already to go and contain the major features most people need. In most cases they will be more robust than any of the free software that's out there. Prices vary, but paid scripts tend to be safer than the free ones. However, you need to do your due diligence and see what other users have said about any scripts you are thinking about using. Paid scripts are a good mid-point choice, but may not be for everybody.

3. Custom-coded social networking scripts. If you really want to have a successful social networking site, then having it custom-coded is the only way to go. It will be expensive, and finding the right programmer can take time. Having a script made specifically for your needs will allow you to make changes as needed, and you will have a programmer that you can turn to if something goes wrong. So, while it's not the cheapest option, it is the best option if you are able to afford it.

Whatever you choose, if you want to start a social networking site of your own, then you will need to have a script to run it.

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