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Published: 13-Oct-12
Why You Should Use Exercise To Relieve Stress
It's kind of ironic that two very common problems in our society today are stress and obesity, and that you can find relief for both of these problems with one simple act: exercise. Yes, it's true, you can exercise to relieve stress.

Your body produces endorphins when you exercise, endorphins can help you feel relaxed and at ease and produce an overall feeling of well being, even euphoria. This is what is referred to as the 'runners high'. This chemical is actually similar in structure to morphine.

By exercising regularly you are releasing these endorphins into your system which will help you feel less out of control and stressed. This feeling of well being will follow you throughout the day, long after you've left the gym.

Another stress busting factor in exercise is the ability to get out all, or at least some, of your pent up frustrations. Daily frustrations are cumulative and over time they can add up to one very big ball of stress.

We all know that if we allow stress to build up for too long we eventually explode. Regular exercise will help you get it out of your system. If we control those explosions by focusing that energy into something constructive, such as a boxing class, or a nice long jog, we can get the stress relief we need without getting ourselves into trouble.

If you're really angry nothing feels better than to do some very high intensity exercise. Do you still feel angry and upset after you've spent an hour at the gym, or running, swimming, biking, or even just taking a nice long walk? Most people will feel a pleasant calmness after an invigorating workout.

You can really melt away alot of stress and anger by converting that angry energy into a physical workout.

Another reason exercise is a good stress reliever is because when you work out you tend to have a much higher self esteem. When we feel insecure about ourselves we tend to be on high alert and in a low simmer all the time.

Much of the stress we face is self induced. It's sometimes our own doubts and insecurities that create stress for us. Instead of letting our doubts and insecurities be another stressor we can use exercise as a way to improve our physical and mental health.

If we are feeling good about ourselves, if we feel strong, in control and confidant, then we simply aren't as prone to making a mountain out of a molehill and getting all stressed out over the little ups and downs of daily life.

So exercising is a win/win. We can lose weight, get our bodies more healthy, and relieve stress all at the same time.

Using exercise to relieve stress will not only help you lower your blood pressure and be happier, it can also help you lose any extra weight you have. Losing excess weight will help lower your blood pressure and be happier. Neat, huh?

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