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Published: 25-Oct-13
Review: Worldprofit's Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch, presented LIVE Oct 25, 2013.
Review: Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch, LIVE on Oct 25, 2013.

George Kosch welcomed participants to the LIVE training session.

George kicked off the training by stating that a number of Members aren't following the training and aren't doing ANY promotion. This is shocking, because it doesn't matter what program you are in, if you aren't promoting you aren't making sales.

George was frank in today's remarks saying, I must be doing something wrong in my teaching. Every week I talk about promotion. I tell you what you must DO to make sales. I explain the importance of building a list. I show you where the best places are to advertise to get results. We provide you with ad examples, landing pages, banners, ad trackers and bonus builders for offers. It's just not sinking in, so for the next 30 minutes, I am going to try a different angle to drill in the basics of what you need to do, to promote so you can make sales."

99% of your effort should be in getting people into your "shop". What's your shop? The various landing pages for the various products and services. Why do you want to do this? The LIFE of your business is the number of leads you generate. Leads are what generate sales. Too may people focus on the wrong things when they first start their business by focusing on tasks that are not directly related to promotion and sales. Your first priority is knowing how to generate leads. Understand the basics of promotion, lead generation and list building and you can apply these skills to building ANY ONLINE business. If you don't understand the basics you will FAIL in any and all businesses you do.

Here's what you should do now to get on track.

1. Watch the two TRAINING videos for Beginners. Progress through the other lessons with careful study not speed. Take notes as you listen.

2. Start doing your promotions using the landing pages (ad examples) and trusted advertising sources provided in your member area.

3. Attend the LIVE bootcamp training sessions every week, OR, watch the recorded version if that is more convenient for you.

4. Commit to learning the basics, and learning new concepts every day, and doing your promotions consistently, every day if possible.

Become a NUMBERS Junkie!

1. Use the Ad Tracker to keep track of the number of clicks to your ads. 2. Keep track of the number of LEADS you generate each day. 3. Keep track of how many Associates you sign up each day. 4. Keep track of how many subscribers you have on your internal list, and your external lists. 5. Keep track of your sales numbers, per day, per week, per month.

Focus ONLY on tasks that will INCREASE your numbers above. Increasing your numbers increases your sales probabilities. People new to online marketing often don't understand how much CONSISTENT promotion it takes to generate sales.

Demonstration Segment

As an example of promotion and list building, George spent some time demonstrating how to use Aweber.

What's coming

Worldprofit's Landing Page Builder

With ONE CLICK you can INSTANTLY create Landing Pages for ANY and ALL your online programs!

1. Pick your landing page from the Gallery of choices (Video, Text, or Google Hangout) 2. Select a directory name 3. Customize your settings, heading, video URL etc. Integrate your lists, example Aweber/Get Response etc to build your internal or external email marketing lists. 4. Click SAVE and within MINUTES your landing page is completed and ready for use.

You can build your own unique landing pages for ANY business you are involved with.

Worldprofit's Landing Page Builder software will be released at NO COST to all Silver and Platinum VIP members within 14 days.

George relayed that our goal at Worldprofit, is to develop and support unique trusted tools and resources for our Members that can be used to build any online business.

A few comments from participants:

Brenda: We should all be very appreciative of the huge amount of time and effort you put into these features for us. Thank you

Garry: The value received here at Worldprofit in our membership just keeps increasing

Vasco: Hi George Kosch, and the team!!!

Dave: Can I use this new Worldprofit software to Re-create a landing page that I am paying monthly for? Rosalie: Thank you George I did not even know how to copy and paste I wrote out everything

James: George, I am excited about this program but I am not having the results that I am expecting. I think I am following your lead however my ads are not giving the return I want. What do you suggest?

Tania: Thanks George ... I am forever grateful for all you do.

Minta: Thanks George

William: Keep posting every day and you will get results.... I have

Rosalie: Thank you Great teaching as always

Vasco: thanks George... I just join this boot camp for the first time will check out the recordings...

Concluding Remarks

Thank you to each of you for attending Worldprofit's Home Business Bootcamp Training. The recording of George Kosch's bootcamp training will be posted within 24 hours within your Worldprofit Member area.

Next LIVE training session is Friday Nov 1, 2013 at 8 AM CT.

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Republished with author's permission.