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Published: 07-Feb-17
Tell A Friend Form Is The Easiest Way To Get Referrals and Increase Your Website Traffic
Web owners are always looking for ways to increase website traffic. In fact, they do everything ? get their website listed on top search engines, submit their website to big directories and exchange links with similar websites. Viral marketing is also very important. Viral marketing is using different methods in order to get customers refer your website to their relatives, acquaintances and friends. Personal referrals are very important as these are, according to experts, the greatest tool for getting website visitors as well as sales. When a person trusts somebody, most likely that person will trust his or her referral as well. The "tell-a-friend" form is one effective way of getting referrals. The "tell-a-friend" form makes it very convenient and easy for existing customers or customers who have visited your site and liked your service to refer your website to their friends. A recent survey revealed that about 53 percent of web users had taken the time to visit websites which were referred by their family members and friends in the last 4 weeks. A ?tell-a-friend? form typically is a kind of form which you can easily include in your website. A ?tell-a-friend? form permits your customer to fill out this form in detail then tell another individual about your website. Yes, you can hope that people would refer your website to their friends using their own e-mail or by word of mouth, but usually they don't ? it?s too much of an effort for them or they just forgot about your website. The ?tell-a-friend? form works better. Take a look at these ?tell-a-friend? form benefits: ? Automated promotion of your website. Just put up the ?tell-a-friend? program and the rest is up to your website visitors to do the promoting of your website. ? You get higher quality and targeted website visitors. This is because your visitors or customers will only refer your website to people who are really interested in your services or products. ? Your email will not be considered as spam. People who will participate in your ?tell a friend? referral will only be those that visit your website and therefore the email will be sent only by individuals which the recipient is acquainted with. You can find different a variety of ?tell-a-friend? forms in the internet, several of which you can link to your website and others can be scripts that you can run on your web server. You will generally get the best outcome with a ?tell-a-friend? form when you offer your web visitors an excellent reason to utilize them. Individuals won't just tell their family and friends in order to be of help; they want something for them in return. So offer incentives and think of a great twist. Keep in mind, however, to check out rules on paying ?tell-a-friend? forms. Additionally, make certain to put your ?tell-a-friend? form in a very strategic place in your website, ideally close to the most attractive content on every page of the website. If your visitors can not see your ?tell-a-friend? form, they won?t use it. Here are guidelines on how to maximize ?tell-a-friend? form: 1) The navigation bar or not? You will notice that most websites put the ?tell-a-friend? form on or near the web?s navigation bar; perhaps it?s because that the navigation bar is mostly used compared to any part of any website. But is it a strategic place? Although experts would say ?no? to this question, they recommend placing your ?tell-a-friend? form in your website?s navigation bar for the sole reason that it will establish consistency for your website. 2) Scatter links. Place a ?tell-a-friend? link to interesting contents. The ?tell-a-friend? link must open immediately the referral ?tell-a-friend? form without the page that is viewed by the customer being refreshed. 3) Make it fast and easy for your visitors. Your web visitors, at most, should click only once in order to open your ?tell-a-friend? form and they should fill out just few fields and submit it. Internet users want everything done fast, so don?t make the mistake of having them to out a long survey before reaching your ?tell-a-friend? form. 4) Let your web visitors know that you won?t spam any of their family or friends. One reason why web visitors don?t want to fill out a ?tell-a-friend? form because they have to enter their friends? or relatives? email account. So make certain that you promise them that you will not sell or spam their email adds by incorporating a short privacy statement or link where they can check out the privacy policy of your company. 5) Express your gratefulness by saying thank you. Place a very short note on your ?tell-a-friend? form and offer freebies such as free ebook download, discount code or special report. Remember, simply asking the recommendation of your customers is not enough. Place a ?tell-a-friend? form or a link on each website page, you?ll be glad you did!

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