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Published: 07-Feb-17
Ten Best Tips in Banner or Link Exchanges
Your web site stares at you from off the computer screen. It is finished and polished and there is just one question left unanswered?who would view and appreciate it? Not too long ago, a bulk of link exchange programs abound. Say goodbye to those days as link reputation is now being measured by the quality and even popularity of the available links. So when you are wondering ?exactly? what to do to on link or banner exchanges, read from start to finish: 1. Do you want your web site to become accepted? First, make sure that it has essence and it is not a waste of time. Ascertain that other sites would find your site extremely useful and information-filled. Keep your site concise but extremely helpful. A site that can be utilized would definitely be ?linkable?. 2. Link your site on already established or well-known sites. You do not need further advertising when you are linked to a certain name that people already recognize. These recognized sites that would link you are common market targets. Highlight all the good points that your site has. Think like you are the one who is about to view your site. The inevitable question is, ?Why would I link to this site?? 3. Search and consider all options before jumping into any one site. Which sites would give the most advantages? Which ones are not that practical? Know what you are getting into. Perhaps the simplest way to gain knowledge of who you are dealing with is e-mailing the site Webmaster. Set aside enough time to review each and every site that you are considering so that you would never be caught off guard. 4. Be specific. In order to have a successful exchange, give out the precise link text that should be used. Make available all the necessary information that they would need so that linking would go smoothly. 5. Links that reciprocate should at least have some of the few existing links that you have. Having a common denominator is tremendously important. 6. Do you know that old saying that you should keep your friends close but you should keep your enemies closer? Know who your competitors are. Take note of their strengths. Know who you are up against. 7. If ever you would need to move your site, make sure that your existing links have all the necessary information to link back to you. 8. Have as many links as possible that point back to your site. Give time to think of fields that are related to your site. Find directory themes that are parallel to your site?s purpose. Seek out all opportunities to leave a link. 9. Do not forget the quality of your links. Do not sacrifice quality when you are out to get the quantity of links. Make sure to properly arrange all the pages that link to you. Be artistic and creative. Do not focus more on marketing or selling. People hate solicitors but appreciate sites that ?understand their dilemmas and emotions?. 10. If you can, offer an incentive to those who link back to your site. Who doesn?t want freebies anyway? There are so many ways to hype your web site. These ten are just some of them?but definitely one of the most important to have down pat. Bear that in mind.

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