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Published: 07-Feb-17
Let Digg Drive Traffic to Your Site
Digg can be considered as an article directory. But unlike regular article directories, it keeps a community of people who actively participates in rating articles, social book marking, and even blogging. Digg also offers syndication of articles, among many other things. Digg is a very popular website. In fact, it got hordes of members that create big amounts traffic everyday. And because Digg has plenty of visitors, you can very well use it to your advantage. Let Digg's multitudes give you a good portion of its traffic. And you'll find out that it is quite easy to do. To use Digg, just create a very interesting story. Of course, with a lot of other people who have submitted articles before you, you can expect yours will be placed at the bottom position. But don't worry. Digg keeps a record of recently uploaded articles so you have a good chance of getting to your readers. And no, you won't get to the top of the list or in this case on the home page, after some time of waiting in the sidelines. To get there, people would have to 'digg' your story. To 'digg' is synonymous to 'to vote' positively in favor of your article. Digg members usually cast their votes after reading your story. And if they find it interesting and informative enough, they would be more that willing to give you their vote. With enough votes, you'll get to the home page. By estimate, your article should get around 51 votes within 24 hours to reach the top spot. The more votes you get, the better position your article will be. But why do you need to get to the homepage? Simple. It's where the traffic really is. When you go to any website, the first thing you'll ever check out and perhaps the only one you'll visit, is the home page. Not many people would actually go through the deeper pages of site, unless they are looking for something in particular. So when your story gets to the first page, you are almost assured of at least a thousand page impressions leading to your site. This is how powerful Digg can really be. So how do you do it? First and foremost, create catchy titles. You have to spend time thinking about the most appropriate, most interesting, and most striking title for your story. Dull titles would never make it. Keep in mind that your titles will be the only thing your potential readers will see and maybe together with the first two lines of story. So if your title isn't good enough, don't bother. Then write your story. Make sure you write about something that's fresh and up-to-date. Don't attempt to talk about something everybody knows for ages. Statistics shows that these types of articles don't make it anywhere near the homepage at all. When writing your story, try to make it more readable by putting numbered lists or bullets. How-to guides usually fairs well. People love reading stories in this format more than anything else. Now that you can see how Digg can help you boost your website's traffic, be sure to use it in the next offing. Your article might not do well on your first try. That's okay. You'll get better with it as you go along. When generating traffic for your website, try to use everything you can all at the same time. Traffic means profit. So take everything that you can get.

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