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Published: 07-Feb-17
How to Use Forum Involvement as a Way of Generating Traffic
Almost all forums in the Internet are free to join. They are places where people of like minds are able to meet and discuss a variety of topics. What few people don?t realize, however, that forums are also ideal for generating traffic to your website. Tip #1 Start by choosing a username that will let people know immediately what kind of person you are or more specifically, what kind of website you?ll ultimately be promoting. If you have a pet dog website, something like the ?Doggie Master? is ideal. It must be something catchy and helps people remember what your online business is. Tip #2 Work on your profile. Most forums will let you display as little or as much of your contact information. It will be to your advantage if you give out your complete contact details so that anyone inclined to talk to you later on won?t have any difficulties finding out your email address or residential address. Never forget to include your website?s URL: this is always included in profile details and gives you another chance to post an inbound link to your website. Tip #3 Take advantage of the signature usually provided by a forum?s account and profile settings. Use it to issue an invitation to visit your website or describe how they?d benefit from visiting your website. Of course, make sure to include your website?s URL in your signature, too. Do the same when there?s an About Me section provided. Tip #4 For your account?s icon, use your website?s logo if it includes your website?s URL. If not, then create a new image that will indeed display your website?s URL prominently. Tip #5 Start mingling. The more active you are in forums, the greater chances you?ll get to generate traffic for your website. Begin with the various threads requiring new members to introduce themselves. Post on those threads and give a short introduction to yourself and what you do. You don?t need to include your website?s URL because your signature below ? as long as you?ve enabled its display ? will take care of that for you. When other new members create new threads to introduce themselves, make sure you drop by and welcome them, too. Tip #6 Look for threads where you can showcase your expertise and knowledge. Other members in the forum won?t trust you immediately and that?s why you need to work on building your credibility first. Share your wisdom without sounding condescending and let others know that you?d appreciate any kind of feedback they could give you. Tip #7 Some forums have their own marketplaces within. If the forum you?ve joined has one then of course you should post about the products and services you?re offering in your website. Give forum members discounts and other special promo offers so they?ll be more encouraged to visit your website. Tip #8 All work and no play makes you a very boring person. It limits the potential traffic you can generate from forums as well. Anytime you feel like posting on threads, do so. It doesn?t matter if it?s not related to your business. You?ll still get your exposure from it because of the URL displayed on your icon, profile, and signature. For more tips on generating traffic from forums, visit and check out How to Bring Traffic to Your Sites by Using Forums.

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