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Published: 07-Feb-17
The Right Way to Create and Give Away a Software Program
Software program creation is a very difficult job to do. However, the feeling of accomplishment that goes with it is priceless. What?s more is that the feeling of fulfillment when the hard-earned program is given away for free. It is being done and the sharing of the software program is a reward in itself. Giving the software program away has many returns but it takes so much effort. It is not an easy job to post a free software program and be believed by viewers. Internet viewers are bombarded daily by free software and it is rare that they would go deep into viewing the whole thing. Therefore, if you want it to be useful to both you and your viewers, and then make sure it offers something they cannot refuse. Most often than not, visitors would only look into free programs made by experts and those popular in the field so yours should have a little extra so it would look attractive enough to deserve deeper attention. Here?s the good thing about this whole deal, software is not anything like information, you do not need to be credible for people to use it. As long as the viewers know what it can do for them, they will see the value. Besides, the market is always in need of new and cool things to post to drive viewers into their websites, so there is not much problem here. What is important is to increase traffic to the site or to your links so that they will connect to you. However, there is a lot more work to this. You have to make sure that the software you are giving away for free respects the conditions of the free software licensing rules. You must make the viewers understand all the terms upon their use of your software. Although it is virtually free in terms of price and text and they may redistribute if they so desire, there are some rules to the game. After all, if other people are making money out of something that you give away for free, then there must be some sort of piracy going on here, especially in countries such as the UK. When we talk about free software, it simply means that anyone who downloads it has the freedom to run the program for whatever purpose he may have and study the program on its working capability. The same person is also free to redistribute the copies of this software to anyone for free or for pay. He may also improve the program and give that away for the benefit of the public. All these are done as long as he accesses the source code. Giving away free software should be under copyright licenses, as mentioned earlier. If it is under a contract, then restrictions may be present. If you do have restrictions, then exclude words in your promotions that say it is totally free or that you are giving it away because that entails some sort of monetary value. If you have problems and you really are intent on giving it away, simply contact authorities that can assist you in getting the free software license and prevent any future complications. Many companies use free software programs in their products and services. Guess what? These companies are still making money because of this. If you are sure you want to give your software away, its okay as long as you paying close attention to the license.

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